
Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2007

The Reed

Hello, I would like to tell you something of the reed. Reed-belonged to the sweet grasses
and they are also call reed.
Altogether there are only three subspecies.

The reed is a marsh plant and seems therefore at riparian zones to slowly flowing waters, in moor lands and Weidenauenwäldern up to a meter of water-deep. It prefers mud and mud soils, which are nitrogenous.

Reed grow up to meter highly and in the main growth period, the point of the reed can grow up 3cm a day. Reed increases by folders, which can grow up to 20 meters long, in addition, by seeds.
The seeds germinate with light influence and the germ ability remain from 1 to 4 year.

Reed is important for the land reclamation,
because of between the handles the mud accumulates and so can the country develop.
In addition it affects cleaning waters,
because of the oxygen which it delivers to the handles (under water).
So it is an important component in the ecological system of slowly flowing waters.


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